
FENS 2020

A collection of preprints presented during the virtual meeting of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) in 2020

List by Ana Dorrego-Rivas


A calibrated optogenetic toolbox of stable zebrafish opsin lines

P Antinucci, AS Dumitrescu, C Deleuze, HJ Morley, K Leung, T Hagley, F Kubo, H Baier, IH Bianco, C Wyart

Deep learning based behavioral analysis enables high precision rodent tracking and is capable of outperforming commercial solutions

Oliver Sturman, Lukas von Ziegler, Christa Schläppi, Furkan Akyol, Benjamin Grewe, Johannes Bohacek

Automatic deep learning driven label-free image guided patch clamp system for human and rodent in vitro slice physiology

Krisztian Koos, Gáspár Oláh, Tamas Balassa, Norbert Mihut, Márton Rózsa, Attila Ozsvár, Ervin Tasnadi, Pál Barzó, Nóra Faragó, László Puskás, Gábor Molnár, József Molnár, Gábor Tamás, Peter Horvath

A genetically encoded red fluorescence dopamine biosensor enables dual imaging of dopamine and norepinephrine

Chihiro Nakamoto, Yuhei Goto, Yoko Tomizawa, Yuko Fukata, Masaki Fukata, Kasper Harpsøe, David E. Gloriam, Kazuhiro Aoki, Tomonori Takeuchi

Altered synaptic ingestion by human microglia in Alzheimer’s disease

Makis Tzioras, Michael J.D. Daniels, Declan King, Karla Popovic, Rebecca K. Holloway, Anna J. Stevenson, Jane Tulloch, Jothy Kandasamy, Drahoslav Sokol, Clare Latta, Jamie Rose, Colin Smith, Veronique E. Miron, Christopher Henstridge, Barry W. McColl, Tara L. Spires-Jones

Astrocytes Contribute to Remote Memory Formation by Modulating Hippocampal-Cortical Communication During Learning

Adi Kol, Adar Adamsky, Maya Groysman, Tirzah Kreisel, Michael London, Inbal Goshen

Ketamine anesthesia induces gain enhancement via recurrent excitation in granular input layers of the auditory cortex

Katrina E. Deane, Michael G. K. Brunk, Andrew W. Curran, Marina M. Zempeltzi, Jing Ma, Xiao Lin, Francesca Abela, Sümeyra Aksit, Matthias Deliano, Frank W. Ohl, Max F. K. Happel

Data-driven integration of hippocampal CA1 synapse physiology in silico

András Ecker, Armando Romani, Sára Sáray, Szabolcs Káli, Michele Migliore, Audrey Mercer, Henry Markram, Eilif Muller, Srikanth Ramaswamy

Sexually divergent effects of social dominance on chronic stress outcomes in mice

Stoyo Karamihalev, Elena Brivio, Cornelia Flachskamm, Rainer Stoffel, Mathias V. Schmidt, Alon Chen

Resting-state functional connectivity predicts recovery from visually induced motion sickness

Jungo Miyazaki, Hiroki Yamamoto, Yoshikatsu Ichimura, Hiroyuki Yamashiro, Tomokazu Murase, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Masahiro Umeda, Toshihiro Higuchi

The mRNA translation landscape in the synaptic neuropil

Caspar Glock, Anne Biever, Georgi Tushev, Ina Bartnik, Belquis Nassim-Assir, Susanne tom Dieck, Erin M. Schuman

The Spatial Scale of Synaptic Protein Allocation during Homeostatic Plasticity

Chao Sun, Andreas Nold, Tatjana Tchumatchenko, Mike Heilemann, Erin M. Schuman

Axon guidance at the midline – a live imaging perspective

Alexandre Dumoulin, Nikole R. Zuniga, Esther T. Stoeckli

Categories: animal behavior and cognition , cell biology , developmental biology , molecular biology , neuroscience , pharmacology and toxicology , physiology


Posted on: 6 July 2020 , updated on: 22 July 2020

(5 votes)

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Also in the cell biology category:

February in preprints – the CellBio edition

A group of preLighters, with expertise in different areas of cell biology, have worked together to create this preprint reading lists for researchers with an interest in cell biology. This month, categories include: 1) biochemistry and cell metabolism 2) cell organelles and organisation 3) cell signalling, migration and mechanosensing


List by Barbora Knotkova et al.

Community-driven preList – Immunology

In this community-driven preList, a group of preLighters, with expertise in different areas of immunology have worked together to create this preprint reading list.


List by Felipe Del Valle Batalla et al.

January in preprints – the CellBio edition

A group of preLighters, with expertise in different areas of cell biology, have worked together to create this preprint reading lists for researchers with an interest in cell biology. This month, categories include: 1) biochemistry/metabolism 2) cell migration 3) cell organelles and organisation 4) cell signalling and mechanosensing 5) genetics/gene expression


List by Barbora Knotkova et al.

December in preprints – the CellBio edition

A group of preLighters, with expertise in different areas of cell biology, have worked together to create this preprint reading lists for researchers with an interest in cell biology. This month, categories include: 1) cell cycle and division 2) cell migration and cytoskeleton 3) cell organelles and organisation 4) cell signalling and mechanosensing 5) genetics/gene expression


List by Matthew Davies et al.

November in preprints – the CellBio edition

This is the first community-driven preList! A group of preLighters, with expertise in different areas of cell biology, have worked together to create this preprint reading lists for researchers with an interest in cell biology. Categories include: 1) cancer cell biology 2) cell cycle and division 3) cell migration and cytoskeleton 4) cell organelles and organisation 5) cell signalling and mechanosensing 6) genetics/gene expression


List by Felipe Del Valle Batalla et al.

BSCB-Biochemical Society 2024 Cell Migration meeting

This preList features preprints that were discussed and presented during the BSCB-Biochemical Society 2024 Cell Migration meeting in Birmingham, UK in April 2024. Kindly put together by Sara Morais da Silva, Reviews Editor at Journal of Cell Science.


List by Reinier Prosee

‘In preprints’ from Development 2022-2023

A list of the preprints featured in Development's 'In preprints' articles between 2022-2023


List by Alex Eve, Katherine Brown

preLights peer support – preprints of interest

This is a preprint repository to organise the preprints and preLights covered through the 'preLights peer support' initiative.


List by preLights peer support

The Society for Developmental Biology 82nd Annual Meeting

This preList is made up of the preprints discussed during the Society for Developmental Biology 82nd Annual Meeting that took place in Chicago in July 2023.


List by Joyce Yu, Katherine Brown

CSHL 87th Symposium: Stem Cells

Preprints mentioned by speakers at the #CSHLsymp23


List by Alex Eve

Journal of Cell Science meeting ‘Imaging Cell Dynamics’

This preList highlights the preprints discussed at the JCS meeting 'Imaging Cell Dynamics'. The meeting was held from 14 - 17 May 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal and was organised by Erika Holzbaur, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Rob Parton and Michael Way.


List by Helen Zenner

9th International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination

This preList contains preprints discussed during the 9th International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination. This conference was held in Kona, Hawaii from April 17th to 21st 2023.


List by Martin Estermann

Alumni picks – preLights 5th Birthday

This preList contains preprints that were picked and highlighted by preLights Alumni - an initiative that was set up to mark preLights 5th birthday. More entries will follow throughout February and March 2023.


List by Sergio Menchero et al.

CellBio 2022 – An ASCB/EMBO Meeting

This preLists features preprints that were discussed and presented during the CellBio 2022 meeting in Washington, DC in December 2022.


List by Nadja Hümpfer et al.


The advances in fibroblast biology preList explores the recent discoveries and preprints of the fibroblast world. Get ready to immerse yourself with this list created for fibroblasts aficionados and lovers, and beyond. Here, my goal is to include preprints of fibroblast biology, heterogeneity, fate, extracellular matrix, behavior, topography, single-cell atlases, spatial transcriptomics, and their matrix!


List by Osvaldo Contreras

EMBL Synthetic Morphogenesis: From Gene Circuits to Tissue Architecture (2021)

A list of preprints mentioned at the #EESmorphoG virtual meeting in 2021.


List by Alex Eve

FENS 2020

A collection of preprints presented during the virtual meeting of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) in 2020


List by Ana Dorrego-Rivas

Planar Cell Polarity – PCP

This preList contains preprints about the latest findings on Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) in various model organisms at the molecular, cellular and tissue levels.


List by Ana Dorrego-Rivas

BioMalPar XVI: Biology and Pathology of the Malaria Parasite

[under construction] Preprints presented at the (fully virtual) EMBL BioMalPar XVI, 17-18 May 2020 #emblmalaria


List by Dey Lab, Samantha Seah


Cell Polarity

Recent research from the field of cell polarity is summarized in this list of preprints. It comprises of studies focusing on various forms of cell polarity ranging from epithelial polarity, planar cell polarity to front-to-rear polarity.


List by Yamini Ravichandran

TAGC 2020

Preprints recently presented at the virtual Allied Genetics Conference, April 22-26, 2020. #TAGC20


List by Maiko Kitaoka et al.

3D Gastruloids

A curated list of preprints related to Gastruloids (in vitro models of early development obtained by 3D aggregation of embryonic cells). Updated until July 2021.


List by Paul Gerald L. Sanchez and Stefano Vianello

ECFG15 – Fungal biology

Preprints presented at 15th European Conference on Fungal Genetics 17-20 February 2020 Rome


List by Hiral Shah

ASCB EMBO Annual Meeting 2019

A collection of preprints presented at the 2019 ASCB EMBO Meeting in Washington, DC (December 7-11)


List by Madhuja Samaddar et al.

EMBL Seeing is Believing – Imaging the Molecular Processes of Life

Preprints discussed at the 2019 edition of Seeing is Believing, at EMBL Heidelberg from the 9th-12th October 2019


List by Dey Lab


Preprints on autophagy and lysosomal degradation and its role in neurodegeneration and disease. Includes molecular mechanisms, upstream signalling and regulation as well as studies on pharmaceutical interventions to upregulate the process.


List by Sandra Malmgren Hill

Lung Disease and Regeneration

This preprint list compiles highlights from the field of lung biology.


List by Rob Hynds

Cellular metabolism

A curated list of preprints related to cellular metabolism at Biorxiv by Pablo Ranea Robles from the Prelights community. Special interest on lipid metabolism, peroxisomes and mitochondria.


List by Pablo Ranea Robles

BSCB/BSDB Annual Meeting 2019

Preprints presented at the BSCB/BSDB Annual Meeting 2019


List by Dey Lab


This list of preprints is focused on work expanding our knowledge on mitochondria in any organism, tissue or cell type, from the normal biology to the pathology.


List by Sandra Franco Iborra

Biophysical Society Annual Meeting 2019

Few of the preprints that were discussed in the recent BPS annual meeting at Baltimore, USA


List by Joseph Jose Thottacherry

ASCB/EMBO Annual Meeting 2018

This list relates to preprints that were discussed at the recent ASCB conference.


List by Dey Lab, Amanda Haage

Also in the developmental biology category:

BSDB/GenSoc Spring Meeting 2024

A list of preprints highlighted at the British Society for Developmental Biology and Genetics Society joint Spring meeting 2024 at Warwick, UK.


List by Joyce Yu, Katherine Brown

GfE/ DSDB meeting 2024

This preList highlights the preprints discussed at the 2024 joint German and Dutch developmental biology societies meeting that took place in March 2024 in Osnabrück, Germany.


List by Joyce Yu

‘In preprints’ from Development 2022-2023

A list of the preprints featured in Development's 'In preprints' articles between 2022-2023


List by Alex Eve, Katherine Brown

preLights peer support – preprints of interest

This is a preprint repository to organise the preprints and preLights covered through the 'preLights peer support' initiative.


List by preLights peer support

The Society for Developmental Biology 82nd Annual Meeting

This preList is made up of the preprints discussed during the Society for Developmental Biology 82nd Annual Meeting that took place in Chicago in July 2023.


List by Joyce Yu, Katherine Brown

CSHL 87th Symposium: Stem Cells

Preprints mentioned by speakers at the #CSHLsymp23


List by Alex Eve

Journal of Cell Science meeting ‘Imaging Cell Dynamics’

This preList highlights the preprints discussed at the JCS meeting 'Imaging Cell Dynamics'. The meeting was held from 14 - 17 May 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal and was organised by Erika Holzbaur, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Rob Parton and Michael Way.


List by Helen Zenner

9th International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination

This preList contains preprints discussed during the 9th International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination. This conference was held in Kona, Hawaii from April 17th to 21st 2023.


List by Martin Estermann

Alumni picks – preLights 5th Birthday

This preList contains preprints that were picked and highlighted by preLights Alumni - an initiative that was set up to mark preLights 5th birthday. More entries will follow throughout February and March 2023.


List by Sergio Menchero et al.

CellBio 2022 – An ASCB/EMBO Meeting

This preLists features preprints that were discussed and presented during the CellBio 2022 meeting in Washington, DC in December 2022.


List by Nadja Hümpfer et al.

2nd Conference of the Visegrád Group Society for Developmental Biology

Preprints from the 2nd Conference of the Visegrád Group Society for Developmental Biology (2-5 September, 2021, Szeged, Hungary)


List by Nándor Lipták


The advances in fibroblast biology preList explores the recent discoveries and preprints of the fibroblast world. Get ready to immerse yourself with this list created for fibroblasts aficionados and lovers, and beyond. Here, my goal is to include preprints of fibroblast biology, heterogeneity, fate, extracellular matrix, behavior, topography, single-cell atlases, spatial transcriptomics, and their matrix!


List by Osvaldo Contreras

EMBL Synthetic Morphogenesis: From Gene Circuits to Tissue Architecture (2021)

A list of preprints mentioned at the #EESmorphoG virtual meeting in 2021.


List by Alex Eve

EMBL Conference: From functional genomics to systems biology

Preprints presented at the virtual EMBL conference "from functional genomics and systems biology", 16-19 November 2020


List by Jesus Victorino

Single Cell Biology 2020

A list of preprints mentioned at the Wellcome Genome Campus Single Cell Biology 2020 meeting.


List by Alex Eve

Society for Developmental Biology 79th Annual Meeting

Preprints at SDB 2020


List by Irepan Salvador-Martinez, Martin Estermann

FENS 2020

A collection of preprints presented during the virtual meeting of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) in 2020


List by Ana Dorrego-Rivas

Planar Cell Polarity – PCP

This preList contains preprints about the latest findings on Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) in various model organisms at the molecular, cellular and tissue levels.


List by Ana Dorrego-Rivas

Cell Polarity

Recent research from the field of cell polarity is summarized in this list of preprints. It comprises of studies focusing on various forms of cell polarity ranging from epithelial polarity, planar cell polarity to front-to-rear polarity.


List by Yamini Ravichandran

TAGC 2020

Preprints recently presented at the virtual Allied Genetics Conference, April 22-26, 2020. #TAGC20


List by Maiko Kitaoka et al.

3D Gastruloids

A curated list of preprints related to Gastruloids (in vitro models of early development obtained by 3D aggregation of embryonic cells). Updated until July 2021.


List by Paul Gerald L. Sanchez and Stefano Vianello

ASCB EMBO Annual Meeting 2019

A collection of preprints presented at the 2019 ASCB EMBO Meeting in Washington, DC (December 7-11)


List by Madhuja Samaddar et al.

EDBC Alicante 2019

Preprints presented at the European Developmental Biology Congress (EDBC) in Alicante, October 23-26 2019.


List by Sergio Menchero et al.

EMBL Seeing is Believing – Imaging the Molecular Processes of Life

Preprints discussed at the 2019 edition of Seeing is Believing, at EMBL Heidelberg from the 9th-12th October 2019


List by Dey Lab

SDB 78th Annual Meeting 2019

A curation of the preprints presented at the SDB meeting in Boston, July 26-30 2019. The preList will be updated throughout the duration of the meeting.


List by Alex Eve

Lung Disease and Regeneration

This preprint list compiles highlights from the field of lung biology.


List by Rob Hynds

Young Embryologist Network Conference 2019

Preprints presented at the Young Embryologist Network 2019 conference, 13 May, The Francis Crick Institute, London


List by Alex Eve

Pattern formation during development

The aim of this preList is to integrate results about the mechanisms that govern patterning during development, from genes implicated in the processes to theoritical models of pattern formation in nature.


List by Alexa Sadier

BSCB/BSDB Annual Meeting 2019

Preprints presented at the BSCB/BSDB Annual Meeting 2019


List by Dey Lab

Zebrafish immunology

A compilation of cutting-edge research that uses the zebrafish as a model system to elucidate novel immunological mechanisms in health and disease.


List by Shikha Nayar

Also in the molecular biology category:

February in preprints – the CellBio edition

A group of preLighters, with expertise in different areas of cell biology, have worked together to create this preprint reading lists for researchers with an interest in cell biology. This month, categories include: 1) biochemistry and cell metabolism 2) cell organelles and organisation 3) cell signalling, migration and mechanosensing


List by Barbora Knotkova et al.

Community-driven preList – Immunology

In this community-driven preList, a group of preLighters, with expertise in different areas of immunology have worked together to create this preprint reading list.


List by Felipe Del Valle Batalla et al.

January in preprints – the CellBio edition

A group of preLighters, with expertise in different areas of cell biology, have worked together to create this preprint reading lists for researchers with an interest in cell biology. This month, categories include: 1) biochemistry/metabolism 2) cell migration 3) cell organelles and organisation 4) cell signalling and mechanosensing 5) genetics/gene expression


List by Barbora Knotkova et al.

2024 Hypothalamus GRC

This 2024 Hypothalamus GRC (Gordon Research Conference) preList offers an overview of cutting-edge research focused on the hypothalamus, a critical brain region involved in regulating homeostasis, behavior, and neuroendocrine functions. The studies included cover a range of topics, including neural circuits, molecular mechanisms, and the role of the hypothalamus in health and disease. This collection highlights some of the latest advances in understanding hypothalamic function, with potential implications for treating disorders such as obesity, stress, and metabolic diseases.


List by Nathalie Krauth

BSCB-Biochemical Society 2024 Cell Migration meeting

This preList features preprints that were discussed and presented during the BSCB-Biochemical Society 2024 Cell Migration meeting in Birmingham, UK in April 2024. Kindly put together by Sara Morais da Silva, Reviews Editor at Journal of Cell Science.


List by Reinier Prosee

‘In preprints’ from Development 2022-2023

A list of the preprints featured in Development's 'In preprints' articles between 2022-2023


List by Alex Eve, Katherine Brown

CSHL 87th Symposium: Stem Cells

Preprints mentioned by speakers at the #CSHLsymp23


List by Alex Eve

9th International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination

This preList contains preprints discussed during the 9th International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination. This conference was held in Kona, Hawaii from April 17th to 21st 2023.


List by Martin Estermann

Alumni picks – preLights 5th Birthday

This preList contains preprints that were picked and highlighted by preLights Alumni - an initiative that was set up to mark preLights 5th birthday. More entries will follow throughout February and March 2023.


List by Sergio Menchero et al.

CellBio 2022 – An ASCB/EMBO Meeting

This preLists features preprints that were discussed and presented during the CellBio 2022 meeting in Washington, DC in December 2022.


List by Nadja Hümpfer et al.

EMBL Synthetic Morphogenesis: From Gene Circuits to Tissue Architecture (2021)

A list of preprints mentioned at the #EESmorphoG virtual meeting in 2021.


List by Alex Eve

FENS 2020

A collection of preprints presented during the virtual meeting of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) in 2020


List by Ana Dorrego-Rivas

ECFG15 – Fungal biology

Preprints presented at 15th European Conference on Fungal Genetics 17-20 February 2020 Rome


List by Hiral Shah

ASCB EMBO Annual Meeting 2019

A collection of preprints presented at the 2019 ASCB EMBO Meeting in Washington, DC (December 7-11)


List by Madhuja Samaddar et al.

Lung Disease and Regeneration

This preprint list compiles highlights from the field of lung biology.


List by Rob Hynds


This list of preprints is focused on work expanding our knowledge on mitochondria in any organism, tissue or cell type, from the normal biology to the pathology.


List by Sandra Franco Iborra

Also in the neuroscience category:

2024 Hypothalamus GRC

This 2024 Hypothalamus GRC (Gordon Research Conference) preList offers an overview of cutting-edge research focused on the hypothalamus, a critical brain region involved in regulating homeostasis, behavior, and neuroendocrine functions. The studies included cover a range of topics, including neural circuits, molecular mechanisms, and the role of the hypothalamus in health and disease. This collection highlights some of the latest advances in understanding hypothalamic function, with potential implications for treating disorders such as obesity, stress, and metabolic diseases.


List by Nathalie Krauth

‘In preprints’ from Development 2022-2023

A list of the preprints featured in Development's 'In preprints' articles between 2022-2023


List by Alex Eve, Katherine Brown

CSHL 87th Symposium: Stem Cells

Preprints mentioned by speakers at the #CSHLsymp23


List by Alex Eve

Journal of Cell Science meeting ‘Imaging Cell Dynamics’

This preList highlights the preprints discussed at the JCS meeting 'Imaging Cell Dynamics'. The meeting was held from 14 - 17 May 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal and was organised by Erika Holzbaur, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Rob Parton and Michael Way.


List by Helen Zenner

FENS 2020

A collection of preprints presented during the virtual meeting of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) in 2020


List by Ana Dorrego-Rivas

ASCB EMBO Annual Meeting 2019

A collection of preprints presented at the 2019 ASCB EMBO Meeting in Washington, DC (December 7-11)


List by Madhuja Samaddar et al.

SDB 78th Annual Meeting 2019

A curation of the preprints presented at the SDB meeting in Boston, July 26-30 2019. The preList will be updated throughout the duration of the meeting.


List by Alex Eve


Preprints on autophagy and lysosomal degradation and its role in neurodegeneration and disease. Includes molecular mechanisms, upstream signalling and regulation as well as studies on pharmaceutical interventions to upregulate the process.


List by Sandra Malmgren Hill

Young Embryologist Network Conference 2019

Preprints presented at the Young Embryologist Network 2019 conference, 13 May, The Francis Crick Institute, London


List by Alex Eve

Also in the pharmacology and toxicology category:

FENS 2020

A collection of preprints presented during the virtual meeting of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) in 2020


List by Ana Dorrego-Rivas

COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 preprints

List of important preprints dealing with the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. See for additional resources and timeline, and for full list of bioRxiv and medRxiv preprints on this topic


List by Dey Lab, Zhang-He Goh


Drug use in special populations

Any drugs that are being used in special populations: Patients with liver and kidney failure, in paediatrics, in geriatrics, and in pregnant or lactating patients. Includes the discovery of factors that could potentially affect drug use in these special populations.


List by Zhang-He Goh

Toxicology of toxicants, existing therapeutics, and investigational drugs

Preprints that describe the toxicology of environmental pollutants and existing and upcoming drugs. Includes both toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics, as well as technological improvements that will help in the characterisation of this field.


List by Zhang-He Goh

Antimicrobials: Discovery, clinical use, and development of resistance

Preprints that describe the discovery of new antimicrobials and any improvements made regarding their clinical use. Includes preprints that detail the factors affecting antimicrobial selection and the development of antimicrobial resistance.


List by Zhang-He Goh

Anticancer agents: Discovery and clinical use

Preprints that describe the discovery of anticancer agents and their clinical use. Includes both small molecules and macromolecules like biologics.


List by Zhang-He Goh

Advances in Drug Delivery

Advances in formulation technology or targeted delivery methods that describe or develop the distribution of small molecules or large macromolecules to specific parts of the body.


List by Zhang-He Goh

Also in the animal behavior and cognition category:

A zebrafish circuit for behavioral credit assignment

Emanuele Paoli, Virginia Palieri, Amey Shenoy, et al.

Selected by 03 March 2025

Muhammed Sinan Malik


Visually-guided compensation of deafening-induced song deterioration

M Rolland, A Zai, RHR Hahnloser, et al.

Selected by 04 February 2025

Maitri Manjunath

Animal Behavior and Cognition

Platelet-derived LPA16:0 inhibits adult neurogenesis and stress resilience in anxiety disorder

Thomas Larrieu, Charline Carron, Fabio Grieco, et al.

Selected by 04 December 2024

Harvey Roweth


Also in the cell biology category:

Megakaryocytes assemble a three-dimensional cage of extracellular matrix that controls their maturation and anchoring to the vascular niche

Claire Masson, Cyril Scandola, Jean-Yves Rinckel, et al.

Selected by 21 February 2025

Simon Cleary


Fis1 is required for the development of the dendritic mitochondrial network in pyramidal cortical neurons

Klaudia Strucinska, Parker Kneis, Travis Pennington, et al.

Selected by 11 February 2025

Felipe Del Valle Batalla

Cell Biology

Mechanical stresses govern myoblast fusion and myotube growth

Yoann Le Toquin, Sushil Dubey, Aleksandra Ardaševa, et al.

Selected by 29 January 2025

Vibha SINGH, Prasanna Padmanaban

Cell Biology

Also in the developmental biology category:

Visually-guided compensation of deafening-induced song deterioration

M Rolland, A Zai, RHR Hahnloser, et al.

Selected by 04 February 2025

Maitri Manjunath

Animal Behavior and Cognition

Sex chromosomes shape the transcriptional landscape of the preimplantation mouse embryo

Daniel M. Snell, Wazeer Varsally, Aurélien Courtois, et al.

Selected by 11 January 2025


Developmental Biology

Chromosomal instability in human trophoblast stem cells and placentas

Danyang Wang, Andrew Cearlock, Katherine Lane, et al.

Selected by 31 December 2024

Carly Guiltinan

Cell Biology

Also in the molecular biology category:

Levetiracetam prevents Aβ42 production through SV2a-dependent modulation of App processing in Alzheimer’s disease models

Nalini R. Rao, Olivia DeGulis, Toshihiro Nomura, et al.

Selected by 11 January 2025

Jawdat Sandakly


Germplasm stability in zebrafish requires maternal Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c

Alessandro Consorte, Yasmin El Sherif, Fridolin Kielisch, et al.

Selected by 13 December 2024

Justin Gutkowski

Developmental Biology

Platelet-derived LPA16:0 inhibits adult neurogenesis and stress resilience in anxiety disorder

Thomas Larrieu, Charline Carron, Fabio Grieco, et al.

Selected by 04 December 2024

Harvey Roweth


Also in the neuroscience category:

A zebrafish circuit for behavioral credit assignment

Emanuele Paoli, Virginia Palieri, Amey Shenoy, et al.

Selected by 03 March 2025

Muhammed Sinan Malik


Fis1 is required for the development of the dendritic mitochondrial network in pyramidal cortical neurons

Klaudia Strucinska, Parker Kneis, Travis Pennington, et al.

Selected by 11 February 2025

Felipe Del Valle Batalla

Cell Biology

Levetiracetam prevents Aβ42 production through SV2a-dependent modulation of App processing in Alzheimer’s disease models

Nalini R. Rao, Olivia DeGulis, Toshihiro Nomura, et al.

Selected by 11 January 2025

Jawdat Sandakly


Also in the pharmacology and toxicology category:

Discovery of a Potent and Selective Inhibitor of Human NLRP3 with a Novel Binding Modality and Mechanism of Action

Kevin Wilhelmsen, Aditi Deshpande, Sarah Tronnes, et al.

Selected by 13 February 2025

Roberto Amadio


Polystyrene nanoplastics promote neurodegeneration by catalyzing TDP43 hyperphosphorylation

Winanto, Li-Yi Tan, Wai Hon Chooi, et al.

Selected by 08 January 2025

Manuel Lessi


G6b-B antibody-based cis-acting platelet receptor inhibitors (CAPRIs) as a new family of anti-thrombotic therapeutics

Alexandra Mazharian, Ophélie Bertin, Amrita Sarkar, et al.

Selected by 03 June 2024

Simon Cleary

Pharmacology and Toxicology

Also in the physiology category:

Scaly-Tail Organ Enhances Static Stability during Pel’s Scaly-tailed Flying Squirrels’ Arboreal Locomotion

Andrew K. Schulz, Mrudul Chellapurath, Pranav C. Khandelwal, et al.

Selected by 28 February 2025

EMB EMB_Liv et al.

Evolutionary Biology

Megakaryocytes assemble a three-dimensional cage of extracellular matrix that controls their maturation and anchoring to the vascular niche

Claire Masson, Cyril Scandola, Jean-Yves Rinckel, et al.

Selected by 21 February 2025

Simon Cleary


Thermal preconditioning modulates coral physiology and heat tolerance: A multi-species perspective

Erik F. Ferrara, Anna Roik, Franziska Wöhrmann-Zipf, et al.

Selected by 14 January 2025

Jasmine Talevi
